Our Most Popular Driveway Alarms - Milton's Bells
Dependable...Reliable...Durable... They have been around a long time!
Our complete Original Bell Kits and Milton Bell Kits come with driveway signal hose lengths from 25' up to 300' in length. Both the Original Bell Kit and the Milton Bell Kit operate off of a standard 110V electric outlet. These bells, like most other electrical appliances, cannot be rained on directly. In order to operate safely and to prolong the life of the bell they can be located under the protection of a building overhang or inside.
- Milton Bell Kits - The Milton Bell Kit can operate with up to 300' of driveway signal hose.
- "Original" Bell ™ Kits - The Original Bell Kit can operate with up to 150' of driveway tubing.
- Wireless "Original"Bell™ Kits - Our wireless driveway alarm kits are perfect for installations that need to monitor vehicle traffic up to 2500' away. The driveway hose and black transmitter box can be set up at the end of a very long driveway and monitored with the wireless chime. The wireless chime produces a soft ring and has a built-in volume control. The chime plugs into an ordinary electrical outlet. The end of driveway unit operates off of a 9 volt transistor battery.
Each time a vehicle crosses the black rubber driveway tubing the bell will ring. It's important to keep track of visitors coming and going from a business. Some of the basic uses of these bell kits are to:
- Serve newly arrived customers.
- To give employees a heads-up upon the arrival and departure of rental equipment.
- Grab the attention of employees that a newly donation is in the driveway and needs to be unloaded.
- Measure the stopping position of vehicles on scales.
- Notify pedestrians of approaching vehicle traffic.
We have replacement drive through bell hose made in the USA for your rugged commercial driveway conditions. Our hose comes in 25' increments starting from our shortest length of 25' long all the way up to 300' hose lengths. This driveway bell hose is not available at hardware stores or big box home centers is it made specifically for our bells,chime kits, and driveway alarm kits.
Our bell ringer hose hose is 3/8" inside diameter with an outside diameter 5/8".
Best Driveway Alarm Features:
Expandability – After you purchase your driveway alarm, you may want to add sensors to cover more areas of your home or businesses' vicinity. Our wireless alarms are expandable and you can add as many sensors and chime receivers as needed. This will allow you to cover a wider area of your business or home.
Driveway alarm zones – Driveway alarms aren’t ‘one size fits all,’ and depending on your home businesses layout, you may want some areas of your home’s vicinity to be more sensitive to motion, while other areas should be less sensitive to prevent false alarms. The best driveway alarms provide set alarm zones with different alert tones and sensitivity settings to help protect your home the way you wish.
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